Friday 27 December 2013

How To Create A Chrome Web App

A while ago I visited the Chrome Web Store to try and find a web app for an application I'd seen on a well known web site. The store didn't have the app, so I did a bit of research and came up with the following method of creating my own Chrome Web app.

First Steps To Building A Chrome Web App 

Chrome Web apps are derived from two files namely a 128 x 128 pixel png image file and a JSON file called manifest.json which contains a reference to the image file and other information such as the URL of the site you want to turn into a web application. So, to create a chrome web app you first need to create a png image file. This image will represent the the icon of the web app you want to create. The image will be displayed on the new tabs page along with other chrome web apps. When you have located an appropriate image, save it as 128.png.

Next, create a JSON file. Below is a template for the file which you can copy, adjust and then save as manifest.json. (This can be done using windows Notepad)

"name": "AppName",
"description": "AppDescription",
"version": "1.0",
"icons": {
"128": "128.png"
"app": {
"urls": [
"launch": {
"web_url": "AppURL"
"permissions": [

The highlighted text in the above code should be replaced as follows

  • Replace AppName with the name of your app (place the name between the speech marks).
  • Replace AppDescription with a description for the app. (Again, place the description between the speech marks).
  • Replace AppURL with the full web address of the web page that contains the app e.g. once again make sure that the URL is placed between speech marks in the above code.

Once you've created the png image file and manifest.json file, place them in a separate folder. Call the folder something like ChromeWebApps.

Test Your Chrome Web App

Now you need to test your app. To do this open chrome, and select Tools, then Extensions from the spanner icon in the top right hand corner of the browser. Next, locate the "Developer Mode" plus/minus button on the top right hand side of the Extensions page. Make sure the button shows the minus sign. If it shows the plus sign click the button so that it shows the minus sign.

Select "Load Unpacked Extension" from the developer mode menu. When the pop up menu appears, navigate to the folder that contains the image and manifest files then select the folder and click ok. The icon for your Chrome web app now appears on the new tab page with your other apps (if you have any). Click the icon to make sure that it loads the correct page.

Create The Full Chrome Web App

Now that you've determined that your app works, you can go ahead and create the full web app. Chrome web apps are contained in files with the .crx extension. This file combines (by a process known as  packing) the png and manifest.json files you created.

To create the full chrome web app, first navigate back to the Entensions page in the chrome browser. Next locate your web app (the one you just tested) in the extensions list. Now click uninstall. Once the app has been uninstalled, click the "Pack Extension" button from the Developer Mode menu on the chrome browser extensions page. A new pop up with two fields appears.

In the field titled "Extension Root Directory" use the "Browse" button to navigate to the directory containing your png image file and manifest.json files as before. (The field labled "Private key file (optional)"  is used for editing Chrome web apps. You do not need this at the moment). Select the directory and click ok. The path of your Chrome Extension now appears in the "Extension Root Directory" field. Click the ok button. A new pop up appears titled "The page at chrome://extensions says:" which gives information regarding the location of two files namely a .crx file (your newly created full web app) and a .pem file which contains a key code which can be used to edit your app if needed.

Go to the location of the .crx file as mentioned above then select and drag the file to the Chrome web browser. A window should now appear entitled "Confirm Installation" with a message saying "Install (whatever your app is called)?". Click the Install button. A New Tab page is now automatically generated with your newly created Chrome web application appearing alongside other apps. Enjoy!

Wednesday 25 December 2013

How To Fix A Laptop If You Spill A Drink On It

Here's a tip that might get your laptop working again if you spill a drink on it. I don't know if it works for all drinks or for all levels of spill severity, but it's worth a try.

Firstly, if you spill a drink on your laptop, shut it down immediately (assuming that it hasn't already turned itself off as a result of the spillage). If the laptop is connected to the mains then make sure you disconnect it.

Once you've shut off the power supply,   turn your laptop upside down and allow it to dry naturally for at least 24 hours. Turning your laptop upside down should prevent any liquid reaching the laptop's circuit boards. Do not use haidryers or similar heating appliances to speed up the drying process as this may damage the device.

After a day or so, turn your laptop the right way again and then turn it on. Hopefully your laptop should now be working as normal.

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Celebrities Who Have An Erdős–Bacon Number

Below is a list of celebrities (mainly actors) who have an Erdős–Bacon number. But first some definitions.

What Is An Erdős number?

The Erdős number is named after Paul Erdős who was a well known mathematician born in 1913. He published over 1500 scientific papers. The Erdős number was created to honor the mathematician's prolific scholarly output. Paul Erdős wrote more papers during his lifetime (mainly through co-authorship) than any other mathematician.

An Erdős number is calculated as follows. The Erdős number of Paul Erdős is set to 0. The Erdős number of someone else is calculated using the formula k+1 where k is the lowest Erdős Number of a co-author.

So, for example if someone, let's say his name is Jack, collaborates directly with Paul Erdős on a scientific paper, then Jack's Erdos number is 0+1 = 1. If Jack then goes on to collaborate will Jill on another paper, but Jill does not directly collaborate with Paul Erdos, then Jill's Erdos Number is 1+1 = 2.

Anyone who does not bare a co-authorship connection with Paul Erdos is given and Erdos number of infinity or is said to have an undefined Erdos number.

To be given an Erdos Number, someone has to collaborate with a co-author who has a finite Erdos number.

What Is A Bacon number?

The Bacon number got it's name from the actor Kevin Bacon who claimed that he ad worked with everyone in Hollywood or worked with someone else whose worked with someone in Hollywood. This claim was made in 1994 during an interview for the film "The River Wild".

The Bacon number is the acting equivalent of the  Erdos number and is calculated using a similar "shortest path" algorithm. The Bacon number of Kevin Bacon is 0. The Bacon number of another actor is calculated using the formula N+1 where N is the lowest Bacon number of the co-star.

For example, an actor or actress who has worked directly with Kevin Bacon (Bacon number = 0) has a Bacon number of 0 +1 = 1. An actor who works with a co-star who has a Bacon number of 1, but has not themselves worked with Kevin Bacon, has a Bacon number of 1+1 =2 and so on.

What Is An Erdős–Bacon number?

The Erdős–Bacon number is simply the sum of someone's Erdős number and their Bacon number. As you might already appreciate, people who have an  Erdős–Bacon number are a rarity. Below is a list of famous people with Erdős–Bacon numbers.

List Of Celebrities With Erdős–Bacon numbers

Colin Firth (Actor)

Colin has an Erdős number of 6 as a result of the co-authorship of a paper entitled "Political Orientations Are Correlated with Brain Structure in Young Adults". Colin Firth's Bacon number is 1 since he acted directly with Kevin Bacon in the film "Where the Truth Lies". Colin Firth's Erdős–Bacon number is therefore 1+6 = 7.

Natalie Portman (Actress)

Natalie Portman's Erdős number is 2 by way of a scientific collaboration that leads to a connection with the mathematician Joseph Gills who has an Erdos number of 1. Natalie's Bacon number is 5 through an appearance with Sarah Michelle Gellar (Bacon number 1) in the film "A Powerful Noise Live". So, Natalie Portman's Erdős–Bacon number 2+5=7

Danica McKellar (Actress)

Danica McKellar has an Erdős number of 4 which came about as a result of a co-authorship of a mathematical paper that she wrote while studying at UCLA. She has a Bacon number of 2 through her work with Margaret Easley. Danica McKellar's Erdős–Bacon number is 4+2 = 6.

Carl Sagan (Popular Astronomer & Cosmologist)

Carl Sagan has an approximate Erdős number of 4 by way of a connection to the astronomer Steven J. Ostro. Carl's Bacon Number is 2 giving an Erdős–Bacon number of 6.

Richard Feynman (Nobel Prize Winning Physicist)

Feynman's Erdős number is 3 and with a Bacon number of 3 as a result of an appearance in the film "Anti Clock" with Tony Tang, Richard Feynman's Erdős–Bacon number is 6.

There are likely to be other celebrities with an Erdős–Bacon number and these will be added to the above list in due course.

Monday 16 December 2013

A Brief History Of Shoptagon

Shoptagon came into existence around seven years ago. The first incarnation of the Shoptagon was as an online affiliate based store promoting mainly electrical goods such televisions, digital cameras and mobile phones. Tradedoubler was the main affiliate network used by Shoptagon in these early stages.

Around the time of its existence as a store, a new entry to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary was made which defined Shoptagon as a large collection of retail outlets either online or in the real world. There was also a somewhat short lived debate on Yahoo Answers as to whether Shoptagon would in fact be a better name for Amazon.

After some time as a store, Shoptagon evolved into an online repository for celebrity Tweets. This occured around the time that Twitter really started to take off as a social network. During its "Twitter Phase" Shoptagon listed celebrity tweets alphabetically using the Twitter search API. The API was also used to provide search results around areas such as "sightings of Elvis" and "who is an A-list or Z-list celebrity"

Finally, as of late 2013, Shoptagon has become a blog based site providing articles on a range of topics from Daleks to Bitcoin Mining. The store element still exits in the form of the Shoptagon Store tab above. As with the original store the current store promotes affiliate products. This vesrion of the Shoptagon store uses Amazon Associates as its affiliate network.

As for future incarnations of Shoptagon? Who knows?

Another Coca-Cola Can Barcode

Another image of a Coca-Cola can barcode as promised in the previous post. The real thing, again!

Coca-Cola Can Barcode

An example of a Coca-Cola can barcode. This is the real thing! More images of Coca-cola can barcodes will follow.

Saturday 7 December 2013

What Is A S'more?

A s'more or smore as it is sometimes spelt is a campfire treat which is particularly popular in the United States and Canada.

The s'more was created by Nathaniel Ayers and the phrase is believed to be contraction of the term "some more".

A typical s'more consists of a toasted marshmallow and a chocolate layer sandwiched between two Graham crackers which are traditionally made by combining wheat flour, wheat bran and wheat germ.

There are many derivatives of the s'more which, although they may contain the core ingredients mentioned above, are nevertheless served cold. A popular example is the Hershey's S'mores bar.

Incidentally, thank you Evan-Amos for placing the above image of a s'more in the public domain.

Here's a video of how to make a s'more in a microwave using a dedicated s'more machine:

The s'more has become such a popular treat that it has even been given its own special day of celebration. National S'mores Day is celebrated on the 10th of August.

Monday 2 December 2013

How Long To Mine One Bitcoin?

How long does it take to mine one Bitcoin? This is a question that is often asked by people who are just starting out with Bitcoin.

The quick answer to this is Bitcoins are not produced one at a time so it is inaccurate to ask how long it would take to produce a single Bitcoin.  Instead, Bitcoins are currently produced in blocks of 25. The method of Bitcoin production is outlined below.

As mentioned elsewhere on this site, Bitcoins are produced through a process known as Bitcoin mining. This involves running computer software (Bitcoin mining programs) that looks for solutions to extremely complex mathematical problems of known difficulty. Automatic adjustments of difficultly levels ensure that worldwide solution rates remain fairly constant. The current global solution rate is 6 problems per hour.

When solutions are found, everyone is notified by means of a block. The block contains a notification that a solution has been found together with other pertinent information. Blocks generate a block reward which is currently set at 25 new Bitcoins. The block reward acts as an incentive for people to carry out the calculations needed to generate blocks. The block reward is also reduced by 50% every 4 years so that the total number of Bitcoins available will eventually never exceed 21 million Bitcoins (blocks that are created fraudulently are automatically rejected by the system). The limitation on Bitcoin availability is what ensures that Bitcoins have a financial value.

At present a new Bitcoin block is created every 10 minutes. This means that at the moment 25 new Bitcoins will be produced every 10 minutes. 

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Samsung Galaxy S3 2100 mAh Battery EB-L1GLLUC

With the spate of Galaxy S3 battery problems reported after the recent Android 4.3 system update, now might be a good time to start investing in S3 replacement batteries. The authentic Samsung replacement battery for the Galaxy S3 is described below.

The Samsung Galaxy S3 2100 mAh replacement battery (model number EB-L1G6LLUC) produced by Samsung is specially designed to work efficiently with the S3 and uses lithium-ion technology for optimum power delivery and maximum battery life. As the battery is a Samsung branded battery you can be sure that it will be able to hold a greater amount of charge when compared to other non-Samsung replacements.

This product has 174 reviews on Amazon. 81 (47%) of these reviews are rated 5 star and 52 (30%) are rated 1 star. The 5 star reviews all commented positively on the quality and reliability of the genuine Samsung product. The 1 star reviews tended to highlight the perils of ending up with a fake version of the battery.

So, as long as you ensure that you only purchase the authentic Samsung product this replacement battery should work just fine.

Sunday 24 November 2013

A Guide To Bitcoin For Beginners

If you're looking for a general not to technical introduction to help you get started with Bitcoin then the information below might help.

What Is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is a digital currency (or more precisely a cryptocurrency) that uses peer-to-peer technology (a network of computers that allows files and resources to be shared). There are no banks or central authorities and no one controls Bitcoin. Bitcoin is open-source and publicly available and Bitcoins are issued by the Bitcoin network. Transactions such as the sending and receiving of Bitcoins are also managed by the network.

Getting Started With Bitcoin - The Bitcoin Wallet
What do you need to get started with Bitcoin? First you need a Bitcoin wallet. This is the digital equivalent of a real world wallet and is used to store Bitcoins. The wallet allows you to send and receive Bitcoins and view your Bitcoin balance. There are a number of Bitcoin wallets available (desktop, mobile and web based) ,but for security reasons and for ease of use it is best to start off with a software wallet called Bitcoin-Qt which you can download to your computer (see the Bitcoin resources section at the end of this post for the Bitcoin-Qt download link).

Getting Bitcoins - Bitcoin Mining & Bitcoin exchanges.
Now that you have a Bitcoin wallet the next thing you need to do is fill it with Bitcoins. You can do this by selling products and services and accepting Bitcoins as payment or by buying Bitcoins from a Bitcoin exchange such as MT. Gox. You can also make your own Bitcoins using what is known as a Bitcoin mining program. All Bitcoins are produced using Bitcoin mining programs. Basically, these software programs solve complex mathematical problems and Bitcoins are issued when the problems are solved correctly.

So, assuming you want to create your own Bitcoins you need to download Bitcoin mining software. As with wallets, there are a number of Bitcoin miners around, but GUIMiner is probably the best one to start off with. This Bitcoin miner is able to use the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) or the CPU (Central Processing Unit) to mine Bitcoins. However, GPU processing is much faster than CPU processing so, if you can, use the GPU option.

You can download GUIMiner from Shoptagon using the "Download GUIMiner" menu tab above or alternatively use the download link in the Bitcoin resources section below.

Bitcoin Mining Pools
Now that you've got a Bitcoin wallet and miner you can,  in theory, go ahead and create Bitcoins using your own computing resources. However, if you only use the processing power of your individual system it might take a long time to generate even a modest level of income (even with the current high Bitcoin exchange rates). The best thing to do is to join other people who are also mining for Bitcoins, known as joining a Bitcoin mining pool, and use the combined processing power of all the computers in the pool  to mine Bitcoins collectively. You can then take a share of the total Bitcoins mined by the pool as a whole.

There are several Bitcoin mining pools that you might wish to consider joining such as  Deepbit or Slush's pool. A comparison of the main pools is given in the resources section below.

How Much Can You Earn From Bitcoin Mining - Bitcoin Mining Calculators.
A useful quantity to know in Bitcoin mining is your system's hash rate. The hash rate is a measure of the processing power of the individual computer or network used to generate Bitcoins. In general, a higher hash rate means that Bitcoins can be created quicker. Once you know the system hash rate as well as the price and power consumption of the hardware used to generate Bitcoins, you can then use an online Bitcoin mining calculator (see resources below) to work out your likely earnings over a period of time.

The video below gives a good introduction to Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Alternatives
Although Bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency at the moment, there are alternatives. The most well known of these are Namecoin, Litecoin and PPCoin. There are numerous other smaller currencies and Amazon has just released its own digital currency called Amazon Coin.

Bitcoin Resources
Below is a list of useful Bitcoin resources including links to wallets, mining software and Bitcoin exchanges: - Main Bitcoin Website
Bitcoin Wallet
Bitcoin Mining Software - GUIMiner
Bitcoin Mining Pools Comparison
Mt. Gox - Bitcoin Mining Exchange
Bitcoin Charts - Bitcoin Financial & Technical Data
Bitcoin Currency Converter & Exchange Rate
Bitcoin Calculator
Bitcoin Mining Hardware Comaprison - Hash Rate Info
Bitcoin Wiki - In Depth Information About Bitcoin
ICBIT - Bitcoin Exchange And Futures Market
Bitcoin Alternatives
Blockchain - Bitcoin Transaction Information

Saturday 23 November 2013

Dr Who Sonic Screwdriver Remote Control

The Wand Company is about to release (on the 1st December 2013) the 10th Dr Who's Sonic Screwdriver Universal Remote Control. This fully programmable remote is compatible with almost all home entertainment systems such as televisions, blu-ray players etc. and the included help guide features voice prompts to help you learn all the features of the device.

The screwdriver remote is officially licensed by the BBC and is the most advanced and authentic prop that the Wand Company has ever produced.

The Sonic Screwdriver remote control comes with 13 Dr Who themed special effects and something called advanced gesture recognition technology which allows you to code and store 39 gestures that you can use to operate your devices remotely. The screwdriver features a bright illuminated tip which lights up when the device is turned on as seen in the television show. There is also a personal lock code which can be used for secret communications.

The screwdriver is made out of CNC machined aerospace grade aluminium and is the same size as the sonic screwdriver used in the actual show. The Sonic Screwdriver remote also opens and closes like the "real" Sonic Screwdriver.

Take a look at the video below to see the remote in action.

The 10th Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver Universal Remote Control is shipped with
  • a metal stand with Gallifreyan text
  • instruction manual with colour illustrations.
  • a USB cable for charging
  • a mini case of hard, sturdy material
If you're a Dr Who fan and you like watching lots of television then this remote must be the answer to your prayers.

Friday 22 November 2013

How To Not Do Something

How many times have you read a book and come across a passage that contains the phrase "do not do this" or "do not do that". How many times have you wholeheartedly agreed that the thing that should  "not be done" should in fact "not be done", but for some reason when it comes to actually not doing the thing that the text says should not be done, you find that you're stumped. Even though the text that describes the thing that should "not be done" is absolutely clear about what should "not be done" you feel perplexed, paralysed and at a loss to understand why you can't move forward and do, or rather not do, what is clearly described in the text before you.

A solution to the above conundrum becomes clear when you consider the following example. Let's suppose you're reading a health and safety manual. As you read the manual you come across a section that tells you "not to run on wet floors". This is clear enough and you completely agree with what is being said. So, the next time you come across a wet floor what do you do? You walk. And by walking your "not running".
So, how does the above example provide a solution to the problem outlined at the beginnig of this post? Well, if you look at the example you can clearly see that you fulfil the requirement of "not doing something" by doing something else. We fulfil the requirement "not to run on wet floors" by walking.

So when people become stumped when they come across passages that tell them "not to do something" the reason for this is that instead of doing something else that would fulfil the requirement of not doing the thing that they have read they should not do, they just focus on the phrase "do not do whatever " without actually doing anything. In the health and safety example given above that would be like just focusing on the phrase "do not run on wet floors" without even considering the fact that when you next encounter a wet floor you should walk.

So, the next time you come across some text that tells you not to do something please remember that there is something else you must do (which is described either immediately after the text that explains what you should not do or else somewhere else in the full document) such that if you do that "something else" you fulfil the requirement "not to do" the thing you've just read about. 

Don't just focus on the "do not do" part of the text: do something!

Thursday 21 November 2013

How To Quickly Dirve Large Amounts Of Quality Traffic To Your Website Or Blog

There are a number of legitimate ways you can use to quickly drive traffic to your website or blog. Some of these are listed below.

Firstly, you could begin by writing highly focused articles for your site that are targeted to specific multi word keyword phraes (sometimes known as long-tail keywords). The position of your site in the search engine rankings will tend to be higher than for more generalsied keywords which tend to attract greater competition. Consequently, if you are able to write a large number of these long-tail keyword focused articles you might be able to generate significant traffic for your site within a relatively short period of time.

Secondly, assuming that you've built a high quality site with relevant high quality content you can start to ask other relevant (and I stress the word relevant) quality sites to link to you. Of course these links would materialise naturally over the cousre of time, but some astute link building can speed up the process. By developing quality links your site will gain a favoiurable reputation and thus rise in the search rankings which in turn should produce an increase in site traffic.

Another method you could try is using social and video networks such as YouTube to produce content which goes viral. For example, a well positioned guerilla maketing style video campaign on YouTube can accumulate a very large number of views quite rapidly, and as long as the video is shown to the right audience, this could equate to large amounts of quality traffic to your website in a short period.

Finally, if you have the funds, pay per click marketing is also a good way of bringing large numbers of highly targeted visitors to your website very quickly as long as your campaigns are researched and setup properly.

Above are are just some of the methods that can be used to drive targeted traffic to your site reasonably quickly. Notice, in all the dicussions so far the methods are geared towards driving targeted traffic. All that untargetd traffic (and by untargeted I mean people who have absolutely no interest in your site) does is push up bandwith costs.

How Long Should A Blog Post Be?

When people ask how long there blog posts should be in terms of word count, what they actually mean is what size post would be sufficient to generate traffic. The underlying motive to the question is often monetisation - I make no judgement.

Anyway, how long should a post be? Well once you've determined the topic of your post, its length is whatever is required to get the message across effectively. So your post could be 100, 200 or 1000 words long. It doesn't matter, as long as you're satisfied that your blog post clearly explains your ideas. If your aim is to be found in search engines, then your post is more likely to be found if it is a clear answer to a search query. So the more focused and on topic your post is, the more likely it is to generate traffic no matter how long it is.

If, however, your post runs into thousands of words then its probably worth considering breaking the post up in smaller more well defined chunks. You can write shorter and more targeted blog posts for each chunk.

Multiport USB Wall Chargers

USB wall chargers are great for quickly charging devices that can be charged via USB cables. The Anker 5-port USB wall charger (normal price $45.99,  sale price at Amazon currently £15.99) allows you to charge 5 devices at a time. It is rated as 25W 5V/5A  and weighs 181g. The device can be used as a portable travel charger to charge (at full speed)  iPads, iPad Air, iPad Mini, iPhone 3GS to 5S, Samsung Galaxy Tab, Samsung Galaxy S2 to S4, Samsung Galaxy Note 3, Google Nexus, Raspberry Pi and Android phones and tablets. The charger takes 110V to 220V as its input so it can be used around the world. When shipped the USB charger comes with its own 1.5m cable and user manual.

At the time of writing this post the Anker 5-port USB wall charger has 22 reviews on Amazon. 20 of these reviews have rated the product as 5 star and only one reviewer has given it a 1 star rating. A common theme in the mostly positive reviews of this product is that the charger "does what it says on the tin".

How Tall Is Tom Cruise? Is Tom Cruise Overweight?

Tom Cruise is 1.70 metres in height, that's about 5 feet 7 inches (5 feet, 6 and 59/64 inches to be precise). Reports suggest that Tom Cruise currently weighs 77kg or 12 Stone 1.8 pounds. Using Body Mass Index calculators freely available on the web, Tom's height and weight statistics give him a BMI of 26.6 which would put him in the overweight range? (The normal weight range BMI is 18.5 to 25). So, and I can't believe that I'm saying this, according to the above calculation Tom Cruise needs to loose some weight.

Incidentally, Tom Cruise has a Bacon Number of 1 as a result of an appearance with Kevin Bacon in the film A Few Good Men (this film gets 81% on the Tomatometer at the Rotten Tomatoes film review website).

Tom Criuse is 10 inches shorter that Brad Pitt whose height is 1.80m. Tom's net worth is currently estimated at $270 million. Tom is 51 years old having been born on Tuesday 3rd July 1962 (the day of the week was found by typing in the phrase "3 July 1962" into Wolfram Alpha).

HDMI to HDMI Gold Plated Connector Cable

If your looking to buy a reliable set of reasonably priced HDMI to HDMI gold plated connector cables then the HDMI cables produced by Wired-Up appear to be a popular choice. The Wired-Up HDMI cable (which currently retails at around £1.15) is 1.83m in length and weighs 141g. The cable delivers broadcast quality digital sound and video when connected to appropriate equipment. This HDMI cable supports uncompressed signals and is fully HDCP (High Definition Copy Protocol) compliant. The Wired-Up HDMI to HDMI cable is a perfect solution for delivering high definition and standard definition video.

 On Amazon this product has received 3402 reviews at the time of writing this blog post. 2605 (about 77%) of these reviewers have given the product a 5 star rating and 234 (about 7%) gave the cable a 1 star rating. Of the people that gave this product a five star rating, many commented that the HDMI cable matched and even outperformed some more expensive HDMI cables. However, the people who gave this product only a one star rating complained that the cable length was shorter than the manufacturer had stated.

Wednesday 20 November 2013

List Of Bitcoin Mining Pools

Bitcoin mining pools allow users to use the combined power of their individual computing resources to mine for Bitcoins collectively. Users are then rewarded with a share of the Bitcoins that have been mined by the pool as a whole.

Pooled Bitcoin mining offers significant advantages over more individual attempts to mine Bitcoins. Principally, if you try to mine for Bitcoins on your own it may take a long time to receive a favourable return particularly if you have limited computing resources or a very slow CPU. By using the combined computing power of hundreds or thousands of computers, as is the case with Bitcoin mining pools, you receive smaller payouts, but the payments are made on a more frequent basis.

Below is an alphabetical list of the more populular Bitcoin mining pools:

Slush's Pool
BTC Guild
BTC Oxygen
Eclipse Mining Consortium
Give Me Coins

Many of the pools listed above are based in the USA whilst others are based in Europe. There are a few that are base in Australia and Asia.

Payouts from the above mining pools are made in a variety of ways including Pay Per Share, Proportional payments, Pay On Target etc.. Exact payment structures can be found on the corresponding Bitcoin mining pool web sites.

Microsoft Xbox One

Microsoft describes its latest gaming console, the Xbox One, as like "having a supercomputer in your living room". This claim has some truth to it as together with the consoles revolutionary architecture (a fusion of a high-spec gaming OS and Windows OS) the Xbox One combines the power of its CPU, GPU and ESRAM with efficient power management to produce truly spectacular gaming performance. The Xbox One's iconic design also makes it an attractive feature in any living room setting.

The Xbox One is fitted with an 8-core x86 processor that allows for instantaneous and seemless switching between a console game and apps. You can also watch television on your Xbox by connecting your cable, digital or satelite box to the Xbox One using HDMI Pass-Thru. In addition you can watch movies in stunning HD using the consoles inbuilt Blu-ray player.

Another useful feature of the Xbox One is its split screen functionality, known as Snap, which allows you to engage in multiple activities e.g. chatting on Skype and watching a movie, using the same screen.

The Xbox One also comes with a new version of Xbox Live allowing you to connect with other members of the Xbox community as well have access to thousands of games, films and television shows.

An interesting feature of the Xbox One is something called Living Games Technology which enables game worlds to remain live even when your not playing. In addition, advanced artificial intelligence allows the system to learn to play like you so that your game character can remain active even when your not around.

The Xbox One also has an auto-resume feature so that you can pause a game, go and do something else, and then return to the game and resume it where you left off.

Auto updates and "play on install" functionality mean that you can  play Xbox One games as they update and install so that there are no interruptions in your gaming experience. In addition game stats can stay in sync with real world time frames via the power of the cloud.

The popular Xbox add on, Kinect, has also had a facelift. The new Kinect boasts greater precision and responsiveness through advanced voice, vision and motion technologies. Now you can automatically sign into a game as you enter a room or control television browsing with your voice.

The Xbox One's contoller has also benefited from over 40 major technological enhancements. These improvements include Impulse Triggers that produce more realistic gaming experiences by delivering precision fingertip feedback.

Finally, Xbox SmartGlass technology turns your smartphone or tablet into a second Xbox One screen so that you can interact remotely with your Xbox One console over wi-fi.

Sony PlayStation 4 - PS4

Sony’s latest games console offering, the PlayStation 4, boasts the most advanced capabilities in terms of connectivity, graphics, utrafast dynamic game play,  personalisation and gaming experience in general. The PS4 also comes with a host of well integrated social features and second screen capabilities not to mention unprecedented content in terms of games and entertainment apps. The PlayStation 4 claims to push the boundaries of gaming to the next level and beyond.

When you buy a Playstation 4 the following items will be found in the box:

PlayStation 4 System (Jet Black)
1 DUALSHOCK 4 Wireless Controller
1 HDMI Cable
1 Power Cable
1 Wired Mono Headset
1 USB Charging Cable

The Playstation 4 uses a powerful custom chip set that has 8 x86-64 cores and a 1.84 TF graphics processor with 8GB ultra-fast GDDR5 unified system memory. This setup ensures a much greater level of in game detail and immersivity.

The Playstation 4 is able discover your preferences (likes and dislikes) and serve content accordingly whether it be related to games, TV shows or movies etc.

The Playstation 4 comes with a new controller called DUALSHOCK 4 which features enhancements such as a high sensitivity six-axis sensor and augmented touchpad to deliver more immersive and interactive gaming experiences. The controller also comes with a share button which allows you to share your gaming triumphs with your online community. Simply hit there share button and upload!

PS4 remote play functionality is effortlessly achieved using the PlayStation Vita system which allows you to play a range of seemingly endless PS4 game titles on a remote high definition five inch display over Wi-Fi.

With the PlayStation App you can turn  your iPhone, iPad, and Android-based smartphones and tablets into Playstation 4  second screens. The app allows you to purchase and download PS4 games directly to your main PS4 console. You can also use the app to view gameplay remotely.

Finally, PlayStation Plus is the PS4's membership service  that allows you receive a monthly Instant Game Collection of top games which can be downloaded directly to your console. PlayStation Plus also provides exclusive access to multiplayer games such as Killzone Shadow Fall, DriveClub, Watch Dogs and Destiny. Once a single payment for the service as been made PlayStation Plus can be accessed on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita systems.

What Is The Prognosis For Mesothelioma?

The prognosis for malignant Mesothelioma (pleural or peritoneal) remains unfavourable. In part this is probably due to the fact that once mesothelioma has been diagnosed, it is usually at an advanced stage. Also the rarity of the disease in conjunction with the often late stage diagnosis means that reliable data for survival rates is hard to come by.

After Mesothelioma has been diagnosed the generally accepted survival rates are:

  • 4 out of 10 (40%) will be alive 1 year later
  • 2 out of 10 people (20%) will be alive 2 years later. 
  • 1 in 10 (10%) will be alive 3 years later
  • 8 out of 100 (8%) will be alive 5 years later.

Early stage treatment of Mesothelioma tends to produce a more desirable prognosis, but total cures remain a rarity even with the advent of newer chemotherapy techniques and multi mode treatments. A patient's age, general health and histological subtype are also predictors of likely prognosis. For example, epithelioid histology produces greater survival related advantages when compared to sarcomatoid histology.

What Are The Symptoms Of Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma symptoms may appear after a period of up to 50 years after initial asbestos exposure has taken place. Common symptoms of Mesothelioma that attacks the pleural include persistent coughing, shortness of breath and intense chest pains due to fluid accumulation in the pleural region.

Severe cases of pleural Mesothelioma (which tends to be found in only one side of the lung) may result in multiple tumors, lung collapse and/or the development of a pneumothorax (gas collection in the pleural space) and the spread of the disease to other parts of the body..

Peritoneal Mesothelioma may present itself with symptoms such as weight loss, swelling of the abodomen, cachexia , fluid in the abdominal cavity (ascites), fever, anaemia, bowel obstruction and abnormal blood clotting. Severe cases of this form of Mesothelioma may also result in Jaundice, Pulmonary embolism and lowered blood sugar.

In the United Kingdom, Mesothelioma UK (Freephone from UK:0800 169 2409 ) provide a range of useful support materials including free information booklets on Mesothelioma support services. Other developed parts of the world are likely to have similar patient based organisations and a simple Google Search using the phrase "mesothelioma support" ,for example, plus your geographical area will reveal a list of possible sources.

What Is Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a cancer that spreads from Mesothelium cells.The Mesothelium provides a protective cover for many internal body organs.

Mesothelioma or malignant Mesothelioma is a relatively rare form of cancer and is often seen in patients who have been exposed to asbestos over a period of time. Mesothelioma might typically manifest itself in jobs where there is a constant exposure to asbestos dust which is easily ingested.

Mesothelioma commonly attacks the pleura which is the outer protective covering of the lungs and the chest wall. However, this cancer has also been observed in the peritoneum (abdominal cavity lining), the pericardium (heart sac lining) and the tunica vaginalis (testicular sac lining).

Although smoking is believed to increase the risk of some asbestos related cancers there is no evidence to date that would suggest that smoking causes Mesothelioma.

What Is Pathophysiology?

Pathophysiology, which is also known as Physiopathology, unites the fields of pathology and physiology and is a  mandatory field of study for nearly medically based teaching programs around the globe

Pathology pertains to the observance and description of conditions during diseased states whereas physiology is concerned with mechanisms and biological processes taking places within an organism. So, whereas pathology may offer a description of a diseased condition, pathophysiology goes further by trying to understand the physiology behind the disease. Pathophysiology also tries to understand any functional changes that may result from diseased states.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Samsung UE42F5000AKXXU 42-inch Widescreen HD LED TV

The Samsung UE42F5000AKXXU 42-inch Widescreen Full HD 1080p Slim LED TV has superb, life-like picture quality and a built in Freeview HD tuner offering 50 standard definition TV channels and 4 HD channels. The slim build of this popular high performance television allows it to blend in effortlessly in any home environment.

Advance technologies like Samsungs Wide Colour Enhancer Plus greatly enhance picture quality reveal otherwise hidden image and colour details.

Connectivity is provided via super fast HDMI and USB and the patented ConnectShare™ Movie facility allows you to view photos, videos and listen to music simply by plugging in a USB devices into your the Samsung TV.

Dell Alienware M18x Gaming Laptop

If your looking for a portable gaming device with desktop capabilities, then the Alienware M18x is for you!

The Alienware M18x is a high powered laptop for serious gamers with an 18-inch 1080p HD screen. It boasts an Intel I7-2920XM and 1920x1080 HD WLED LCD Screen combo together with 16GB of 1600MHZ DDR3 memory and a 1.5TB Sata Raid HDD. HD DVD viewing is made possible with the  Blu Ray DVDRW drive operating in conjunction with a 2GB AMD Radeon HD 6970M Crossfire graphics card.

The M18x features a long life 12 Cell battery and fully customisable lighting schemes via AlienFX lighting controls. Alienware Power management allows power delivery to be adjusted depending on usage and touchpad controls allow for granular control of touchpad sensitivity.

The Aleinware M18x comes with an upgradeable 1 year warranty. So far reviews for this product range from "Phenomenal" to "Rip Off!". You decide.