Thursday 21 November 2013

How Long Should A Blog Post Be?

When people ask how long there blog posts should be in terms of word count, what they actually mean is what size post would be sufficient to generate traffic. The underlying motive to the question is often monetisation - I make no judgement.

Anyway, how long should a post be? Well once you've determined the topic of your post, its length is whatever is required to get the message across effectively. So your post could be 100, 200 or 1000 words long. It doesn't matter, as long as you're satisfied that your blog post clearly explains your ideas. If your aim is to be found in search engines, then your post is more likely to be found if it is a clear answer to a search query. So the more focused and on topic your post is, the more likely it is to generate traffic no matter how long it is.

If, however, your post runs into thousands of words then its probably worth considering breaking the post up in smaller more well defined chunks. You can write shorter and more targeted blog posts for each chunk.

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