Thursday 21 November 2013

How Tall Is Tom Cruise? Is Tom Cruise Overweight?

Tom Cruise is 1.70 metres in height, that's about 5 feet 7 inches (5 feet, 6 and 59/64 inches to be precise). Reports suggest that Tom Cruise currently weighs 77kg or 12 Stone 1.8 pounds. Using Body Mass Index calculators freely available on the web, Tom's height and weight statistics give him a BMI of 26.6 which would put him in the overweight range? (The normal weight range BMI is 18.5 to 25). So, and I can't believe that I'm saying this, according to the above calculation Tom Cruise needs to loose some weight.

Incidentally, Tom Cruise has a Bacon Number of 1 as a result of an appearance with Kevin Bacon in the film A Few Good Men (this film gets 81% on the Tomatometer at the Rotten Tomatoes film review website).

Tom Criuse is 10 inches shorter that Brad Pitt whose height is 1.80m. Tom's net worth is currently estimated at $270 million. Tom is 51 years old having been born on Tuesday 3rd July 1962 (the day of the week was found by typing in the phrase "3 July 1962" into Wolfram Alpha).

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