Thursday 21 November 2013

How To Quickly Dirve Large Amounts Of Quality Traffic To Your Website Or Blog

There are a number of legitimate ways you can use to quickly drive traffic to your website or blog. Some of these are listed below.

Firstly, you could begin by writing highly focused articles for your site that are targeted to specific multi word keyword phraes (sometimes known as long-tail keywords). The position of your site in the search engine rankings will tend to be higher than for more generalsied keywords which tend to attract greater competition. Consequently, if you are able to write a large number of these long-tail keyword focused articles you might be able to generate significant traffic for your site within a relatively short period of time.

Secondly, assuming that you've built a high quality site with relevant high quality content you can start to ask other relevant (and I stress the word relevant) quality sites to link to you. Of course these links would materialise naturally over the cousre of time, but some astute link building can speed up the process. By developing quality links your site will gain a favoiurable reputation and thus rise in the search rankings which in turn should produce an increase in site traffic.

Another method you could try is using social and video networks such as YouTube to produce content which goes viral. For example, a well positioned guerilla maketing style video campaign on YouTube can accumulate a very large number of views quite rapidly, and as long as the video is shown to the right audience, this could equate to large amounts of quality traffic to your website in a short period.

Finally, if you have the funds, pay per click marketing is also a good way of bringing large numbers of highly targeted visitors to your website very quickly as long as your campaigns are researched and setup properly.

Above are are just some of the methods that can be used to drive targeted traffic to your site reasonably quickly. Notice, in all the dicussions so far the methods are geared towards driving targeted traffic. All that untargetd traffic (and by untargeted I mean people who have absolutely no interest in your site) does is push up bandwith costs.

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