Wednesday 20 November 2013

Microsoft Xbox One

Microsoft describes its latest gaming console, the Xbox One, as like "having a supercomputer in your living room". This claim has some truth to it as together with the consoles revolutionary architecture (a fusion of a high-spec gaming OS and Windows OS) the Xbox One combines the power of its CPU, GPU and ESRAM with efficient power management to produce truly spectacular gaming performance. The Xbox One's iconic design also makes it an attractive feature in any living room setting.

The Xbox One is fitted with an 8-core x86 processor that allows for instantaneous and seemless switching between a console game and apps. You can also watch television on your Xbox by connecting your cable, digital or satelite box to the Xbox One using HDMI Pass-Thru. In addition you can watch movies in stunning HD using the consoles inbuilt Blu-ray player.

Another useful feature of the Xbox One is its split screen functionality, known as Snap, which allows you to engage in multiple activities e.g. chatting on Skype and watching a movie, using the same screen.

The Xbox One also comes with a new version of Xbox Live allowing you to connect with other members of the Xbox community as well have access to thousands of games, films and television shows.

An interesting feature of the Xbox One is something called Living Games Technology which enables game worlds to remain live even when your not playing. In addition, advanced artificial intelligence allows the system to learn to play like you so that your game character can remain active even when your not around.

The Xbox One also has an auto-resume feature so that you can pause a game, go and do something else, and then return to the game and resume it where you left off.

Auto updates and "play on install" functionality mean that you can  play Xbox One games as they update and install so that there are no interruptions in your gaming experience. In addition game stats can stay in sync with real world time frames via the power of the cloud.

The popular Xbox add on, Kinect, has also had a facelift. The new Kinect boasts greater precision and responsiveness through advanced voice, vision and motion technologies. Now you can automatically sign into a game as you enter a room or control television browsing with your voice.

The Xbox One's contoller has also benefited from over 40 major technological enhancements. These improvements include Impulse Triggers that produce more realistic gaming experiences by delivering precision fingertip feedback.

Finally, Xbox SmartGlass technology turns your smartphone or tablet into a second Xbox One screen so that you can interact remotely with your Xbox One console over wi-fi.

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