Monday 16 December 2013

A Brief History Of Shoptagon

Shoptagon came into existence around seven years ago. The first incarnation of the Shoptagon was as an online affiliate based store promoting mainly electrical goods such televisions, digital cameras and mobile phones. Tradedoubler was the main affiliate network used by Shoptagon in these early stages.

Around the time of its existence as a store, a new entry to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary was made which defined Shoptagon as a large collection of retail outlets either online or in the real world. There was also a somewhat short lived debate on Yahoo Answers as to whether Shoptagon would in fact be a better name for Amazon.

After some time as a store, Shoptagon evolved into an online repository for celebrity Tweets. This occured around the time that Twitter really started to take off as a social network. During its "Twitter Phase" Shoptagon listed celebrity tweets alphabetically using the Twitter search API. The API was also used to provide search results around areas such as "sightings of Elvis" and "who is an A-list or Z-list celebrity"

Finally, as of late 2013, Shoptagon has become a blog based site providing articles on a range of topics from Daleks to Bitcoin Mining. The store element still exits in the form of the Shoptagon Store tab above. As with the original store the current store promotes affiliate products. This vesrion of the Shoptagon store uses Amazon Associates as its affiliate network.

As for future incarnations of Shoptagon? Who knows?

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