Wednesday 25 December 2013

How To Fix A Laptop If You Spill A Drink On It

Here's a tip that might get your laptop working again if you spill a drink on it. I don't know if it works for all drinks or for all levels of spill severity, but it's worth a try.

Firstly, if you spill a drink on your laptop, shut it down immediately (assuming that it hasn't already turned itself off as a result of the spillage). If the laptop is connected to the mains then make sure you disconnect it.

Once you've shut off the power supply,   turn your laptop upside down and allow it to dry naturally for at least 24 hours. Turning your laptop upside down should prevent any liquid reaching the laptop's circuit boards. Do not use haidryers or similar heating appliances to speed up the drying process as this may damage the device.

After a day or so, turn your laptop the right way again and then turn it on. Hopefully your laptop should now be working as normal.

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