Monday 18 August 2014

How Many Soldiers In A Roman Company?

A typical Roman company, also known as Centuria or a Century, was made up of around 100 soldiers. However, a Roman company could have anything from 20 to 200 soldiers.

Wednesday 13 August 2014

What Is The Opposite Of Jealousy?

The opposite of jealousy or being jealous is satisfaction or being satisfied with what you have. Other antonyms (opposites) of jealousy include contentment and being unresentful or trusting.

Where is Robin Williams Now?

Where is Robin Williams Now? What I mean is, where is he now that he's on the other side?

Thursday 9 January 2014

Google Easter Eggs

Check out these cool Google Easter eggs. Some you may already know about, others are less well known.

Atari Breakout
If you type "atari breakout" into Google image search the results screen transforms in to a playable version of the classic Breakout game.

Google In 1998
Type "google in 1998" into Google search and your taken to the 1998 version of Google.

Do a barrel roll
Type "do a barrel roll" into Google and the results page does a barrel roll.

Custom Street View
If you go to Legoland on Google maps the street view humanoid icon (known as a pegman) transforms into a Legoman. Similarly, if you go to the Kennedy Space Centre on Google maps the street view pegman icon turns into an astronaut.

Zerg Rush
In the world of video games the term "zerg rush" means an overwhelming attack. If you search for "zerg rush" on Google the results page comes under attack.

The Google Easter eggs mentioned above can be seen in the video below

If you know about any other Easter eggs then let us know.

Monday 6 January 2014

Convert Fahrenheit Or Centigrade To Gas Mark

If you own a gas cooker and you're trying to follow a recipe that gives oven heat settings in Centigrade (°C) or Fahrenheit (°F) then you will probably find the the Fahrenheit/Centigrade to gas mark conversion information given below very useful.

Fahrenheit To Centigrade To Gas Mark Conversion Data

Fahrenheit (°F) Centigrade (°C) Gas Mark
275 140 1
300 150 2
325 160 3
350 180 4
375 190 5
400 200 6
425 210 7
450 220 8
475 230 9

The above table uses approximate conversion values that should work well for most cookers although there may be variations for particular types of cooker or oven brands.

Locust And Wild Honey Recipe.

If your looking for an exotic culinary treat then why not try this simple recipe for locusts with wild honey.

30g of butter
300g of locusts (you may need to order these from a specialist market depending on where you live)
3 tablespoons of wild honey .
Salt to taste.

First, melt the butter in a frying pan using moderate heat. Clean and then add the locusts to the pan together with a sprinkling of salt and heat the mixture for around 10-15 minutes until the locusts are crisp. Stir occasionally to ensure that the locusts are evenly coated with butter.

Next, add the honey to the pan and stir for a couple of minutes or so. Once the locusts are covered with honey transfer them to a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake them in the oven for around 10 minutes at  200 F/Gas mark 6.

Once the locusts are piping hot, take them out of the oven and serve.

Et voila. Locusts with wild honey. Enjoy!