Thursday 9 January 2014

Google Easter Eggs

Check out these cool Google Easter eggs. Some you may already know about, others are less well known.

Atari Breakout
If you type "atari breakout" into Google image search the results screen transforms in to a playable version of the classic Breakout game.

Google In 1998
Type "google in 1998" into Google search and your taken to the 1998 version of Google.

Do a barrel roll
Type "do a barrel roll" into Google and the results page does a barrel roll.

Custom Street View
If you go to Legoland on Google maps the street view humanoid icon (known as a pegman) transforms into a Legoman. Similarly, if you go to the Kennedy Space Centre on Google maps the street view pegman icon turns into an astronaut.

Zerg Rush
In the world of video games the term "zerg rush" means an overwhelming attack. If you search for "zerg rush" on Google the results page comes under attack.

The Google Easter eggs mentioned above can be seen in the video below

If you know about any other Easter eggs then let us know.

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