Download GUIMiner

Download the latest version of GUIMiner (20121203) and learn how to install and use GUIMiner to mine Bitcoins on your own or with a Bitcoin mining pool.

What Is GUIMiner?
GUIMiner is a Bitcoin mining program (a python OpenCL bitcoin miner to be exact) that you can download to your computer. It has a graphical front end and can operate in GPU (Graphical Processing Unit) or CPU (Central Processing Unit) modes. GUIMiner has full support for ATI and NVIDIA GPUs. GUIMiner can be used for both pooled and solo Bitcoin mining and comes with a pre-populated list of the most common mining pools.

Where Can I Download GUIMiner?
GUIMiner can be downloaded from the BitcoinTalk Forum by following the link to this thread. The same thread also gives news and information on the latest version of GUIMiner.

What Is The Actual Download URL for GUIMiner?
At the time of writing this post, and according to the above BitcoinTalk Forum thread link, the latest version of GUIMiner is hosted on the GitHub website and currently has the following download URL:

You may wish to check the forum link to make sure that download URL hasn't change for any reason e.g. as a result of a version update.

Can GUIMiner Be Used To Mine Litecoin?
To mine Litecoin you have to use GUIMiner-scrypt.

What Are The Key Features Of GUIMiner?
The key features of GUIMiner and the probable reasons why GUIMiner is the most downloaded Bitcoin miner are:
  • GUIMiner has an easy to use graphical user interface. No more command line mining.
  • As mentioned above, GUIMiner is preconfigured with the most popular mining pools so that you don't have to manually enter mining pool URLs.
  • GUIMiner displays mining statistics such as hash rates, share details etc. in one location.
  • Multiple Bitcoin miners can be initiated on startup
  • GUIMiner allows you to view Bitcoin mining pool account balances and withdraw pool funds using an easy to use graphical user interface.
  • GUIMiner can be minimised to the system tray. Hovering over the tray icon reveals mining stats. Bitcoin miners can also be paused or enable from the GUIMiner tray icon menu.

Where Can I Get Help On Downloading, Installing And Using GUIMiner?
For a guide on how to download, install and use GUIMiner, please see the video below