Wolfram Alpha

Use Wolfram Alpha to calculate stuff. Use this widget to do maths, physics, chemistry or find information about historical figures, produce star charts for your area or generate scrabble words.

Here are some other things you can do with Wolfram Alpha with examples shown in italics:

Translate text into Morse Code.
Morse code Prime 

Translate from Morse Code 
Morse code .--. .-. .. -- . 

Analyse the readability of a novel 
Readability of Pride and Prejudice

Find Scrabble words and scores 
Scrabble clarinet 

Get the date of a historical event
Boer War 

Construct a timeline of events
Battle of Hastings, Boer War 

Compute family relationships 
father's mother's sister 

Compare salaries 
Salary teacher, shop assistant

Get information about a surname
Name smith 

Convert Roman numerals into standard numbers

Find lyrics for a song 
Yellow submarine lyrics

Turn a photograph into a comic image
Turn into a comic an image of Eiffel tower

Generate a QR Code
QR code for plasma television

Generate a star chart
Star chart 

Generate a star chart for a particular location
Star chart California. 

Get information about a satellite
International Space Station 

Get information about space probes
Voyager 1 

Calculate the body mass Index 
BMI 5'9'', 145lb 

Get statistics based on human height and weight 
5ft 9in, 200lb 

Analyse the nutritional information for food
lemon juice 

Nutrients in particular types of food 
Iron in spinach

Current local weather 

Weather in particular area 
Weather in paris. 

Local Weather forcast 
Weather forecast 

Weather forecast over 7 days
7 day weather forecast